Freelance Flight Instruction
Learn to fly- in your own plane- with a truly professional teacher who understands flying to the deepest level, and who cares about you and your goals. Don’t just “meet the standards” – become a knowledgeable, safe, and proficient aviator.

- Flight Instruction
- Safety Pilot ASEL or AMEL
- Biennial Flight Reviews
- Ferry Pilot / Aircraft Repositioning
- Aerial Photography and Content Creation (see
The short answer: my whole life has uniquely prepared me to provide outstanding flight instruction.
My flying career started in hang gliding, fully immersed at a very young age. My passion for flying lead me “down the rabbit hole” and I became the youngest person to become H5 Master Rated. I have over 1,000 hours in hang gliders and paragliders, doing a wide range of flying including aerobatics, open distance cross-country, and race-to-goal competitions. This unique means of flight is highly tactile and dynamic, requiring deep understanding of micrometeorology, aerodynamics, and the ability to feel the wing and use the entire flight envelope. Where most CFI’s have learned how things fly from books and online ground schools, I’ve lived it and explored it thoroughly.
Knowing how to fly isn’t enough to make for a good instructor! I’m a second generation instructor with a fascination for the craft of teaching. Much of my life has been spent teaching, first in hang gliding, then in skiing at Deer Valley Resort where I was quickly promoted to supervisor and helped train new instructors how to teach, and now as a CFI in single-engine airplanes. I’m not a young kid building time riding around the sky with you so I can hopscotch my way to the airlines. The structure of the industry makes this super common, and the issue is these instructors have studied and trained to become PILOTS- with a relatively small amount of study or training in how to TEACH. I’m a bit the opposite of all that: I have a family and young kids, and no desire to go off to the airlines. I’m passionate and motivated to share flight with people, to helping YOU safely enjoy some of the wonderful things I’ve been so lucky to experience over the years. I’m a person that takes pride in my work, and providing excellent flight instruction is highly fulfilling for me- and that’s why you should fly with me, because you deserve a motivated instructor that will effectively teach you beyond the certification standards, creating a confident aviator.

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