Category: Lifestyle


One nice thing about these short winter days… it’s a lot easier to get up to watch the sun rise!  Inspirational.  


Today concluded the longest break I’ve taken from hang gliding since my first flight with my dad in 1988. My last flight before the break was August 17, and I had my left shoulder surgically reconstructed the next day.  Which means I went 4 1/2 months! Today was “just” a sled ride… but with my…

Hang Gliding Nightmare

I don’t usually have flying dreams… but when I do, they are about hang gliding.  It’s probably because I started so young- I don’t imagine “flying”, I imagine hang gliding situations and adventures. Last night, I have a vivid nightmare… and it’s the first time I recall hang gliding being in a negative dream. I…

Comments to FAA re: UAS Prohibition

This is a follow up to my post earlier today, detailing the FAA’s proposed prohibition on flying RC aircraft via “first person view” (FPV) as well as operating commercially.  If you missed that post you can get caught up HERE. For those willing to comment on the FAA’s memo of interpretation, I wanted to share what I…

FAA aims to outlaw RC “drones”

I’ve been doing some research into the laws pertaining to flying my quadcopter with a camera attached.  I’m contemplating pursuing it commercially, since it’s a rare occasion where I have a skill-set that could potentially be used to make income for my family (most of my skill-sets are next to worthless in terms of supporting a…

Beach Bummin’

It’s been beautiful weather, but the last two days has been the absolute least ideal wind DIRECTION… so we’ve opted to recreate in other ways than hang gliding.  It’s a little bit of a bummer we haven’t gotten to fly more, but the forecast for Sat & Sun is promising. In the mean time, on…

Kitty Hawk Dolphins

Enjoying the beach life in North Carolina before the Kitty Hawk Kites Hang Gliding Spectacular- the longest running hang gliding competition in history. We’ve had dolphins like crazy swimming in front of the house, so I’ve been sending out the quadcopter to shoot some video.  Yesterday I was a little more conservative, keeping my distance…


Down at Wallaby Ranch in Davenport, FL doing a landing clinic sponsored by Wills Wing for their annual “demo days” and anniversary celebration event.  We had favorable weather and filmed landings this morning, with the first of two classroom sessions after breakfast was served.  Tomorrow morning looks like rain, but we’ll be doing the second…

Start ’em young

Scarlett is already taking quite a liking to hang gliding! And a cool video by Ellenville pilot “Jimmy D” from flying 3/21/14

Scottie smiles

Had a great hike with Scarlett up at Sam’s Point today. Man that smile just melts my heart!